G I V E A W A Y : S C H M O O K S .

To mark the exciting one year anniversary of my store, my blog, and Gary Pepper Vintage in general, some wonderful and talented people have come on board to offer some lovely giveaways to give us plenty to celebrate about and get us all in the spirit for the festive season which is quickly approaching. I'm also celebrating a few extra little things this month but i'll be sharing that news with you later this week. How exciting!

So each week for the next month or two i have lined up giveaways from some creative folk that i think you will all enjoy immensely. Each giveaway will run for a week and will range from high end, to beauty, to art, to fashion - the sky is the limit when it comes to my loyal and devoted readers! If you're a designer or brand that thinks you have something unique and interesting to offer my readers, please contact me here with your proposal.

First up is the super cute jewelry line from Schmooks, created with love and carefully hand made by Claire Cimbora. I fell in love with Claires work when i saw it in Frankie a few months ago so you can believe how excited i was when she emailed with such a generous offer for my readers! I love her unique and quirky designs of panda bears wearing bows, elephants on string, rabbits with oversized glasses and cute little owls. I think they reflect my store perfectly and i couldn't have asked for a better fit.
So what will we be giving away? We have one of each of the rings pictured above and two of the turqiouse panda rings to give away to five lucky readers! You also have the chance of winning one of the two necklaces pictured below so that's a total of $300 AUD we're giving away to seven lucky Gary Pepper Vintage readers!

Please note; Entries have now closed.

Congratulations to Maria Nguyen, Sares Spencer, CeeJay, Ploy S. Chityothin, Sara Jane, helen zhang, Edwinathemu! You'll be receiving an email from me shortly :)
A big thank you to everyone who entered. Our winners were all chosen by random using a random number generator. New giveaway will be announced shortly!

If you have a new found love for Schmooks and would like to order your own jewelry, prints, or future Christmas presents for your loved ones this year, you can visit their online store here. But be warned, it's full to the brim with super cute trinkets and you may not come out alive! I wanted to buy a ring in each colour but after much restraint i decided on this little pink rabbit in his oversized glasses - i think it's love!


  1. All the pieces are so cute it's so hard to choose! But I'll go for the Panda necklace since I've been collecting necklaces since forever, and I haven't seen one with a panda yet! I'm a sucker for pandas too. so yeah! :D


  2. My favourite piece is the Pink Pandi Bear Art Necklace or the turquoise Pandi Bear Art Ring. I just love panda bears in general, they are so beautiful and I have been looking forever to find something like that. It is the cutest little panda I have seen in ages :) I never enter competitions, but these ones were just too cute to ignore :-) xx Nina Mikaelsen nina_mikaelsen@hotmail.com

  3. It was a really cute giveaway! My favourite schmooks piece would have to be the Harvey Bear ring - gorgeous!


  4. Hello! I'm a newish reader but I was so excited! I love givaways! Who doesn't?
    Name: Kelly
    Email: Kellyissofab@aol.com
    Favorite Piece: My favorite has to be the panda ring. I was so excited because turquoise is my favorite color and my favorite animal is the panda. Weirdly enough, I collect panda "stuff." I'm 15, but I've been collecting since I was about 7. I have over 300 stuffed animals, figurines, ect. I LOVE PANDAS! I also love the owl necklace!
    Thank you!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. My favourite Schmooks piece is the Barney's Bike Art Necklace. Super cute!

    Raisa Idonah

  7. ooh, what pretty little things. I've got to go with the pink bunny ring as my favourite piece. I love rabbits, I love cute little glasses, and I could really use some pink jewels, so what the hey? these are really adorable, fingers crossed. ♥

  8. I love the Pandi Bear Art Statement Ring because it's elegant but cute at the same time, and the bright color will complement almost any outfit. Love this giveaway!

    Ari C

  9. Cute jewelry! I like the little panda bear rings because they are my favorite animal!


  10. My favourite piece is the 'My Heart Belongs to You' Art Ring, cos I love anything oversized and the design is just amazing and unique with a romantic feel!

    Loure from bloggingbeforebreakfast.blogspot.com

  11. The girl and panda on elephant ring, for sure! =)


  12. I love the Bunny Ring! Personally I love rabbits (I call them wabbits)! This ring stands out because of the cute artwork, the pretty shade of pink, and I love how whimsical the bunny looks with oversized glasses ;) Would be wonderful if I could win it x


  13. Just stunning.

    My favourite is the "These Two Bunnies Love Each Other Very Much" necklace:


    What and inspiring collection.



  14. Ooh I'm totally loving the "My Heart Belongs to You Art Ring" I love love love vintage-inspired craft. This one just yells 'me' all over!


  15. Oh such a cute giveaway! I am a huge fan of the rabbit with the glasses! super cute!

  16. Jessy
    jessycow.blog [at] gmail [dot] com

    I don't have ONE favourite item - I love all the rings because of their size! That's amazing and I'd love to own one!! The two necklaces up for this giveaway are pretty as well. I really can't choose because I love soft colours. <3

    xx The Little Dust Princess

  17. I love this giveaway!!!

    My favourite is the Harvey Bear Art Ring. It is the most adorable and fun statement ring and one of those conversation-starter-with-strangers must-have pieces.


  18. the stars in jars ring is pretty much the cutest thing i have ever seen <3

    from T'Nealle


  19. These are the cutest pieces I've seen in a long time, though my favorite is the "Pink Pandi Bear Necklace" because it's just so girly and vintage looking, which is totally my style (or, rather, where I'd like to be going with my style), and the key and heart are so cute! Plus the panda i just so darn cute!


  20. I couldn't pick just one item! I like the Pink Pandi Bear Necklace. It's so adorable! :)


  21. oooo the Harvey Bear Art Ring
    is my fave. cos his so innocent and cute and smart with his little glasses.te he he
    really antique with a modern touch!


  22. My favorite Schmooks piece is the Barny's Bike Art Necklace. I love the simplicity and cuteness of it. Miniatures always catch my attention.


  23. My favourite Schmooks piece is the Harvey Bear Art Ring. How smart he looks with his glasses and how enthusiastic with his gaping mouth...or perhaps just hungry?


  24. My favourite piece would have to be the 'Stars in Jars Art' Ring. Love the dreamy/magical feel of it and the colour combo is just perfect for that effect.


  25. Everything is so cute! But I think Love Next Necklace is my favorite <3 Owls are so cuteee!


  26. I really really love the My Heart Belongs to You Art ring statement ring and the Art Cocktail ring. I love both because I think they are so "me" -- so dainty and feminine. I loved browsing through their online shop. It made me so happy just looking at their stuff because it reminded me of my childhood. I felt as if I was a little girl again in awe of beautiful things I would be afraid to touch.


  27. Oh wow, I adore these !!!
    They are all magnificant little pieces of love :)
    Name: Lola
    Email: leeka_m@hotmail.com
    Favourite piece: Love Nest Necklace
    Why: I have always adored owls, ever since I could remember. There is just something about their spirit that intrigues and attracts me.
    I suppose being the eldest of 4 children, I've always felt I had to be the "older and more wiser" one, looking out for my younger siblings.
    Despite the fact that owls are just gorgeous aswell, I'm fascinated by their nature.

    Golly gosh, I hope to win this piece, it would mean so much !

    P.s Keep up the amazing work ! And Congrats again on your Cornetto Campaign :)


  28. My favourite one is " my heat belongs to you ring " that is such an adorable ring i have ever seen ,,, I really wish that I can win this ring since i have never won giveaway gifts before ^^

    phway phway

  29. Not sure if this one is included but sure is desirable http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs132.snc3/17948_459361755117_228008410117_10776451_2105652_n.jpg

    c.shebelle at gmail.com

  30. My favorite one is the ring with the girl on the elephant one because I love elephants & I just love animals altogether and its just so cute.

    I just love all of this jewelery because they can go with anything you wear. :)


  31. I love the owl necklace:
    The reason I want it so terribly bad is because I've always been told that if I were an animal I'd be an owl. It's really adorable and hard to find such individual things around. I love owls and the necklace would make a wonderful edition to my collection of owl things laying around my bedroom.
    Name: Stephanie Ryan
    Email: skrya1@student.monash.edu.au

  32. Hard choice, but I'd have to say my favorite is Pink Pandi Bear Art Necklace.
    There's something about the panda and its little bow that makes me want to just snuggle it close to my chest.

    Kristi Tran

  33. I rarely enter blog competitions but these accessories are just too cute to pass up! One of my weaknesses are black & white furry animals because they're just so adorable. I even have a dog called Panda, and therefore, as I'm biased, the panda necklace has to be my fave! =]


  34. All of the pieces are of course lovely, but my favorite is the ring with the black heart and the brown trees. My eye immediately went to that one upon first glance! I really like black and brown together, it just makes me think of fall, and it's very artsy in the fact that the black heart looks like an ink blog, and there's a little bird perched on the top of the heart by the trees. I just love small detailing like that!

    Kristin Brooks

  35. lovely giveaways ~!! XD and Congratulations on the one year anniversary...\^0^/

    My favourite is "Stars in Jars Art Ring"~~
    I would love to have an elephant and dress her up like that. Elephant is huge but they are gentle. I would love to travel with her to where my dreams are... <3 it...


  36. My gf really loves your stuff and I think she'd really like the owl and panda ones. Love Nest Necklace and Pink Pandi Bear Art. Her room is filled with panda toys and drawings and she loves little birdys. This would totally make her christmas!


  37. lovely blog and congrats for your vintage store :)

    I love the owl necklace *__* so cute


  38. these are absolutely adorable! and they really do reflect the brand and identity of Gary Pepper!

    Consecutive weeks of giveaways?! that's amazing!

    my favourite is the owl necklace with charms! too cute!



    x Your Only Blackswan

  39. HI! :D
    everything from Schmooks is so adorable! :') it worth crying over, haha!

    My fave would be the 'Harvey Bear Art ring'. Why? It everything odd and adorable packed into a ring. A grizzly bear with nerdy glasses on a fabulous ring would certainly brighten up my day! ♥

    Maria Ngo

  40. you are amazing woman!

  41. Nothing would make me happier than wearing the Stars in Jars art ring.

    There is something very dream like about this piece, and it stands out above the rest. One look at the illustration and i am instantly taken to a fantasy world, where elephants walk on string, and the stars are beneath me.


  42. you're right! the store is too cute :) i especially love the rabbit & stars in jars ring. congrats on the anniversary!

    purple_elephantss (at) yahoo.com

  43. nikki

    it was such a hard decision! i just absolutely loved them all, but i think i'll have to say the 'Stars in Jars Art Ring' was my favourite. that one really caught my attention; the picture is just so majestic and dream like and i adore elephants! an absolutely gorgeous ring that would look perfect on one of my fingers.

  44. Ooh, how gorgeous are they all~
    My favourite is the Stars in Jars Art Ring I love how the elephant has wings and is walking the tightrope. It's almost saying that you can be and do whatever you want to do. It doesn't matter who you are or how you were brought up, what you look like, how much you weigh etc. That if you put your mind to it you can do whatever you're inspired to do! Self expression is so important and the imagery in that just sums it up so beautifully~



  45. Samantha

    Wow Schmooks has jewelry that I've never seen before! I love the garden art ring the most, it's absolutely stunning and lovely :) Would love to have the chance to own such a dazzling piece of jewelry :)

  46. every piece is so, so cute! i love the harvey bear ring. i love bears! and this one's a bear, that wears glasses like mine with little birdie on the top of his head... awww!

    gab. (ramos.b.gabriela@gmail.com)

  47. Wow this is quite a difficult choice, but I think I have to go with the Love Nest necklace. I am usually biased toward rings and don't wear many necklaces but this one won me over with its soft, warm colouring. The level of detail is great, from the little red leaves on the branch to the metalwork on the brass edge of the pendant and even the hearts in the background. The miniature birdcage is the cutest, most inspired detail, I think!


  48. So cute!! I LOVE the elephant on a string ring!!! Brings back childhood memories!!

  49. Oh everything is so cutee.. My favourites are the Pandi Bear art statement ring and Harvey Bear art ring! I cant choose only one hehe.. because well, they are both so cute and I loveee panda and bears :D

    frauelize at hotmail dot com

  50. aww love the turqiouse panda ring! crossing my fingers ; )

    love your simple and elegant posts!

    Olga, kushnir.olga@hotmail.it

  51. I'm in love with ALL the rings!!! But if I had to choose just one, I'd go with the My Heart Belongs to You Art Ring because I just love how the design is so dreamy and romantic. =)


  52. I can't choose.. it's much much too hard! They are all beautiful!

    Um um um .. Pandi ring... Nooo noo this:

    ooo too hard!

    Jenny - jenny.lui87@gmail.com

  53. hello !! :D
    thnks for the really great giveaway.
    they are super cute and vintage at the same time ;))
    Barney Bunny Art Statement ring is my favorite ! the one that nicole wears just so nice ! ;)) besides it remains me with my childhood that I always like to play with lovely rabbits.

    jennifer sutoji

  54. What amazing jewelry being showcased here, I love the panda necklace it is so adorable and the panda ring I love them both! Fantastic and so cute to be able to wear - everyone will ask where to get one if they see me wearing it hehe

    Maegan McDowell


  55. everything from Schmooks is lovely.

    if i had to choose one, it would be 'Stars in Jar' because it has such a whimsical feel to it and it has an elephant! whats not to love.


  56. I WANT THEM ALL! In particular I fell in love with the heart and key pendant with the beautiful pastel pink flower. It reads 'romance' and I love the cute little phrase written on the heart. What an adorable store! xo


  57. OMG!! Happy Anniversary Dear Gary Pepper!!

    Although I recently found out your blog through lookbook I was immediately in love with it!!

    You're amazing!! And your style is awesome!!

    Well, I like the My Heart Belongs to You Art Ring Statement Ring because it's pretty feminine and it's pretty big and it's something that any girl would want.

    Again Happy anniversary!!

    I look forward to your posts!!

    Laura Roman, laura_ioana13@yahoo.com

  58. Maria Caballero
    Ooh I fell in love Pandi Bear Art Statement Ring. It reminds me of my aunt who used to anything with panda bears.. I miss her

  59. I absolutely love the Stars in Jars art ring! The artwork is stunning, cute but with a little surrealistic edge to it.


  60. name, email, and what your favourite Schmooks piece is and why - It's as simple as that!
    Hey, My Name is Catherine
    Email: catherinejia1@hotmail.com

    My favourite schmooks piece is the panda bear necklace because it's very adorable. Since I'm a big fan of panda bears, wearing this necklace could help me create awareness about how pandas are close to being extinct for the general public.

    thank you :)

  61. helloo!
    wow, all of the pieces are so cute!~~
    I especially love the rings, and my favourite would probably have to be the Harvey Bear Art Ring - i love the floral background and the colours, and the bear is adorable :)

    Thankyou Gary Pepper for this competition!


  62. I'm Lisa,
    email is pearl.milk.tea@hotmail.com

    I really like the necklace with the owl. I love harry potter and i think it would totally suit the phase of harry potter right now, so i can just wear it around always knowing that a bit of harry potter love is following me :D All these accessories are quite amazing and very alternative.

    love lisa

  63. Hi Nicole, I think i'm in love with the Barney's Bike Art Necklace, not to mention basically everything else! I love quirky little vintage inspired pieces like this; the brooch shaped necklace with little brass bike dangling from the end is just adorable. Not to mention the super cute image of Barney the rabbit!

    I'm so glad you have introduced us to something that is not only incredibly cute but also insanely affordable! Good luck for the future xoxoxo


  64. Loving the "Stars in Jars Art Ring",very cute!Thanks!

  65. Happy Anniversary Garry Pepper Vintage.
    My name is James
    Email: da_vin_chi@hotmail,com (i made it in year 6)

    My girlfriend, Kate, is a massive fan of you and funnily enough it's also our anniversary today. But I'm all the way down in Melbourne looking after my mum, so i'm not able to see Kate till Friday. I need an anniversary gift for her and I always know you have awesome giveaways. Kate loves rings. Our 1st Anniversary was spent in India. So I really like that she'll love the ring with the elephant in it.

    Thanks Nicole

  66. I love love love the Pandi Ring. Its so cute and being Chinese it reflects heritage beautifully. I love how all the designs are so unique


  67. Hi!

    Argh, it's a tie between the Harvey Bear Art Ring and the Barney Bunny Art Statement Ring. But, I'll have to root for the Harvey Bear Art Ring - I love its expression!! :)


  68. I absolutely adore the "My heart belongs to art". Art was my favourite subject in school and now I'm currently working my own way to having a gallery of my own called "Heart Art-ack"haha. so this ring must be a sign. Not to forget the ring is quite beautiful with its sort of autumn like colours hmm. This ring has actually inspired me to paint something, so toodles


  69. Loving the Pandi Ring, impressed by its size and all 'round aceness.

    Fabulous giveaway!


    It's adorable and it reminds me of my bunny, peter (yes, a very original name indeed). He's currently living with my sister in wagga, while im attending Uni, at UNSW for a fashion course. Anywho, I'm missing that ball of fluff so much and this ring reminded me of him once i saw it. It's such an original innovative design. I would have never thought of using cute drawings inside a ring (because normally it is old victorian design).

    btw Nicole. HAPPY GARRY PEPPER VINTAGE ANNIVERSARY. i've been a big fan of you since i started uni. You are such an inspiration. Keep going.

    Love Maisy

  71. I absolutely adore the panda ring because pandas are my favorite animal! Congrats on the one year and awesome giveaway!


  72. The names TigerLilly.
    email me at : tigerlillyismyname@gmail.com

    i have a weakness for cute, adorable, fluffy, vintage things. yes the necklace of the panda is not fluffy, but the panda sure is. The necklace is adorable and would surely match my pink dress that i'll be wearing to my friends 18th Birthday party.

    thank youuu x

  73. Eddy
    i absolutely adore the owl necklace- it's quite unique. It reminds me of my mum and i, when we were living on the farm in Western Australia and how we'd go down to our favourite tree and sit and talk. I love you mum, i'm always thinking about you :)

    happy anniversary gpv x

  74. I've succumbed to this surreal beauty: 'Stars in Jars'. For some strange reason it makes me want to paint my nails baby blue. :)

    Sri Bayu

  75. my favourite is the Tea Party for Bunny Art Necklace - it's completely and utterly adorable and my friends call me after a bunny. It would suit with the new dresses my mum handed me down that I am currently hemming up and the red bow tie im turning into a headband! :) LOVEEE YOURRRR BLOGGGG! I want to atleast see you on the street or meet you atleast once in my life LOL, some fan girl fanatic right here LOL.

    My name is Vy Nguyen (my blog http://victressvee.blogspot.com)

    Email is v.nguyen93@live.com

  76. I've loving how the artwork they post is by some of my favorite artists. I'm also loving the key-to-heart necklace they have.

    Best regards,

  77. Hello.
    My name is Charlotte
    My email is charlotte.h@live.com.au
    My favourite pieces... hmm the owl necklace because I'm trying to start a secret owls association where you can dress up as an owl and run around at night. And I think this necklace should be our signature trade mark, and if you don't have the necklace then you can't be in it.

  78. i adore the Barney's Bike Art Necklace!

    Claire Au

  79. Hi, my name is Aimee.

    My favourite is the "These Two Bunnies Love Each Other Very Much" necklace. I love it!! I have a weird obesession with bunnies! LOL.

    Email: Aimeehx3@gmail.com

  80. I love the Secret garden cocktail ring on her etsy site. Oversized rings can do wonders for any outfit and the print is just gorgeous!

    name: Angecel Esmores
    e-mail: a_esmores@hotmail.com

  81. Popi Hatz

    my favourite piece is the blue panda ring! as it reminds me of the adorable pandas that we have here at the adelaide zoo!

  82. Name: Caroline Halim

    Email: alwaes.snowing@hotmail.com

    My Heart Belongs to You Art Ring. Simply because it is ring and everyone needs ring, it's a must. The first time I see a ring so delicate yet so lovable in its vintage way nobody could have enough of these kind of rings.

  83. wow, what a captivating giveaway.
    name: Thao Nguyen / email: thao-thao@live.com.au
    Favorite Schmooks piece: The owl necklace is a definite want!, I've been obsessing over harry potter lately & this necklace would be a perfect touch to my increasing harry potter related jewelery (includes owl ring, feather earrings etc.)

  84. Hello dear,
    My name is Tara, my favourite Schmooks piece is the 'My Heart Belongs to You' art ring. So gorgeous, I would love to wear it on my finger as the design is so beautiful and intricate <333

  85. Tara said...
    Hello dear,
    My name is Tara, my favourite Schmooks piece is the 'My Heart Belongs to You' art ring. So gorgeous, I would love to wear it on my finger as the design is so beautiful and intricate <333

    Email: pagesixlover@live.com :)

  86. Anne
    Your blog is Adorable!
    my favourite schmocks piece is the love nest necklace <3
    email: angel_bushidi@hotmail.com

  87. This comment has been removed by the author.

  88. clancy

    wow i love them all so much, but i do loveee! the "my heart belongs to you" ring. its to die for! fingers crossed!


  89. I visited the facebook page (Ivana Nikolova)
    adorable pieces! I love the Barney's Bike Art Necklace and The Panda rings - so beautiful,I would love to have them :)

  90. I <3 the My Heart Belongs to You Art Ring Statement Ring

    its so simple and neutral can easily go with anything, the colours just match and harmonise so well with the ring casing.

    email" nguyenthaohoang92@gmail.com

  91. Couldn't decide! But two favourites are:
    Tea Party for Bunny Art Necklace
    Stars in Jars Arts Ring
    name: ciara
    email: ciara.shun@hotmail.com

  92. My favorite is the "My Heart Belongs to You Art Ring" its so vintagie and i love the color.. ^_^


  93. I LOVE the Pandi Bear ring, it's so adorable and it's exacty the thing to add a quirk to any outfit. And totally wearble for everyday :)


  94. I love the PANDA AND ELEPHANT!!! Pick mee!!

  95. Oh my oh my oh my! I'm in love with the Harvey Bear Art ring. What an adorable mammalian hipster!


  96. Name: Nhi
    Email: nhinguyen123@hotmail.com
    My favourite Schmooks piece is the Barney Bunny Art ring because it's so delicate and you have that huge ring so you wouldn't need much more other accessories.

  97. My favorite is the elephant on string. So cute :)!
    Such lovely colours.


  98. Awh the Harvey Bear Art Ring is my fave, he looks so glum....

    Roxy Coervers


  99. love the lock heart necklace :)


  100. Amy
    My favourite piece of the bunch would have to be the owl wing, I LOVE LOVE LOVE vintage looking pieces and love the quirky owl design ! it's the perfect piece to dress up or down an outfit, great statement piece !

    great stuff, keep it up !

  101. My name is Tariro
    And my favourite Schmooks piece is the "Barney's Bike Art Necklace". It is amazing, so beautifully made and the colours are so wonderful. It is just very different and beautiful.

    Email: taariroo._@hotmail.com :)

  102. i am in love with the rings! i had a look a the FB page and i couldn't pick which ring i liked best, they're all so ridiculousy cute!
    especially the panda. and the bunny, and the flowery-hearty one. lovessss

  103. They are all so amazing! it's not an easy choice but i'd have to say 'Barney's Bike Art Necklace' is my favourite Schmooks piece. The bike gives it a very vintage kinda feel, while the pink background and the rabbit is just so adorable! the combination together is just really irresistable! haven't seen anything like this before (:

    thanks for letting us know about such online shops!

  104. Gina, gina_728@Hotmail.com
    I really like the bunny with the oversized glasses ring! Its definitely something I would always have on my finger; its cute, quirky and at the same time fashionable!

  105. my fave piece by schmocks is the 'Stars in Jars Art Ring'

    it is very magical the way in which the picture of it is placed, and it brings me back to the place where i was a kid back in china with my dad (whom passed away 2 years ago) at the zoo riding an elephant, i blocked out all the bad things that were happening during the time and was just happy with dad not thinking about anything but us two.

    email: lucy_lovezya@hotmail.com

  106. Hi Nic, Mellie here from Le Pearl le.pearl@hotmail.com

    I would love to win the super cute owl necklace as it reminds myself of my boyfriend and I (so cheesy, sorry) I remember blogging about my owl ring coincidentally this time last year aswell and he saw it on my blog and loved it. Ever since he reminds me of cute owls!

  107. This comment has been removed by the author.

  108. Stars in Jars Art Ring is my favourite- it evokes a wonderful feeling of magic in the journeys we take internally and externally, and sums up the excitement, discovery and warmth that I hope to pack into my first real overseas trip this January!



  109. Hey, I'm Sharen and my favourite Schmooks piece is the "My Heat Belongs to You" Art Ring. It's so adorable :)

    Email; sharenlam@hotmail.com

  110. Sophie's bunny is a lovely print. The accompanying rhyme made me smile. All the schmooks creations are adorable though :3
    Taa for sharing. I'm Jessie and my email is McQueen.Jessie@gmail.com

  111. i'd have to go with this almost too lovely pink bow, rabbit necklace


    i have an obsession for floppy bunny years, twitching noses, silk soft fur, pristine eyes and cuteness in every way shape or form
    which is evident in the fact that i have had 2 cute bunnies who have sadly gone old and passed. so it would be great to have some form of memorabilia to remember them by

    such a great giveaway btw

    name: Thirza
    email: tsumampouw@hotmail.com

  112. Everything is too cute! :)
    I love the Love Nest Necklace

    Name: Arielle
    Email: arielle.yeap@gmail.com


  113. Hello Gary Pepper ♥

    First of all I love you so so much >.<

    Second, my favourite favourite piece of jewelery above is the elephant ring! Why you ask? Because I love elephants. They are such beautiful animals. Did you know elephants recognize the bones of family member just by feeling them with their trunks? They say it is something to do with the feel of the bones, or maybe the smell, but I think elephants are filled with so much love, that when they come across something they have loved so intensely, well it's a feeling of recognition they get in their heart.
    - Jenna



  114. name: Savannah
    email: savannah.yourenot@hotmail.com

    I went onto the Schmooks online store to have a look, My favourite piece is the Secret Garden Art Cocktail Ring. The floral design is beautifully intricate and I find it incredibly feminine. The image reminds me of the huge load of circling thoughts and ideas i always have in my mind, but also how the brain is a wondrous expanse that makes us all unique from each other.

  115. These are so cute! My favorite is the Pandi Bear Art Ring..even though I would vote for all of them if I could :)

    My name's Elen and my email's elen.winata@gmail.com

  116. I think I have grew a new love for Schmooks. Her collection is absolutely beautiful.

    I couldn't possibly choose one, but for the rings, I love the Barney Bunny Art Statement Ring, because of it's girlie, fun look.
    And for the necklace, the Love Nest one definitely caught my eye with it's vintage look.

    These items would definitely finish an outfit!

    Vi Nguyen.

  117. The 'Harvey Bear Art Ring', I have to say, is quite supreme!
    Why? Who DOESNT love a panda wearing glasses?!



  118. Love My Heart Belongs to You Art Ring Statement Ring! As I'm deeply in love now this ring represents exactly how I feel!

    Cross my fingers!




  119. Hey! ♥
    i would have to say my favourite piece is the gorgeous panda ring!
    it's so cute and i think that i would need it in order to complete my life! :D

    love taylah :)
    email: taylah.d@live.com

  120. Hi Nicole! My name is Jess and as soon as I saw the blue ring with the elephant I fell in love. The design with the girl and panda sitting on the back of the elephant reminds me of my childhood - full of dreaming and creating fantasy lands.

    The ring is innocently gorgeous. My email is jessfarquhar@hotmail.com.

  121. oh my god! the comments are endless here!
    I love everything, but my favourite piece is ; love nest necklace!
    ery cute!!!!!

    name: Sarah Nelissen
    email; Sarah.nelissen@gmail.com

    kind regards!

  122. Laura Allen

    My favourite Schmooks piece is definately the Pandi Bear Art Ring. The design is so cute! Everything about the ring is just adorable and the blue used is the perfect colour for summer.

  123. Hello! Lily Mok here (lily.mokk@gmail.com)

    I'm absolutely in love with the pink pandi bear necklace. It represents me so much, I love pandas. I used to play my online games with the user name pandie and my friends used to call me by that as a nickname which was also because I slept in class a bit too often like a panda :P Not to mention how gorgeous the design is in with those intricate details of brass, the fluffy panda with the cute bow and tiny flowers and bird details. And that romanticly adorable little heart attachment, I know exactly who I'll give the key to :) I'm in love. I will definitely save up for this and wear it everyday for a long time if I'm not lucky enough to win it!



  125. The 'Tea Party for Bunny Art Necklace' is my favourite.
    It reminds me of Alice in Wonderland, which makes me think of a magical world that we could only dream to live in.
    It's so adorable and brought a smile to my face when I saw it :)

    - Amy
    - amywells21@hotmail.com

  126. Big rings always make me smile. Schmooks' Art Cocktail ring did just that! Loves it!. Thanks for introducing me to Schmooks.

    Rosa Lee Timm

  127. all the stuff is so amazing! I have not seen much jewelery like this. so hard to choose but i think the Barney's Bike necklace, the combination of the different elements on that necklace make it super cute :)

    Louise Ross


  128. Hi!
    I'm Nicole.
    Email: silverfish_fire@hotmail.com

    I really do adore the Stars in Jars Art Cocktail, not to mention Teaparty for Hugo in the etsy store! I love how the elephant looks like a gentle fairy, just the way they are! And the panda rabbit sitting on the elephant. Two of the sweetest most gentle creatures on this planet! The Stars in Jars Art Cocktail ring will go fabulously with my vintage dress collection too!
    Cheers! (:

  129. I really adore the 'Harvey Bear Art Ring', but also the 'Stars in Jars Art Ring'. Either would look adorable on anyone's finger.
    ♥ alexandreasophie@hotmail.com

  130. Hi, they are all so cute amazing designs, but my favorite is the
    'Stars in Jars Art Ring', the elephant on the tightrope because elephants are my favorite animal by far because of their big ears and loyalty and the scene of the design is so adorable.

    from Inez

  131. these are all such amazing pieces, very creative and beautiful :)

    though my favourites would have to be the Owl necklace and "My Heart Belongs to You' art ring
    I love owls and the design on the ring is so amazing, they suit my personality so well, its crazy, I couldn't decide, and I just love it when I find jewelry that suits my personality.. its not easy :)
    Just the colours, and the little charms and the gorgeous design, its mesmerizing

    name: Sara
    email: sara.jane.27@hotmail.com

  132. Hi,

    My favourite piece is the Secret Garden Art Cocktail Ring.
    I love this piece, as the secret garden is one of my all time favourite books from my childhood and this gorgeous ring captures the beauty described in the book perfectly!
    Brittany Partington (britt170@hotmail.com)

  133. When I took my first look at the Schmooks heart and key chain, my heart skipped a beat. I don't care for winning prizes, or being better at expressing my appreciation of such a fine art, but these peices of adroitness are genuinely divine.

    Please keep up such magnificent work. The world needs to wander through these imaginations.

    Samantha Andison

  134. My favorite piece is the "Stars in Jars" cocktail ring because I love the childlike storybook feel to it that takes me back to my days as a kid reading fairy tales. The panda and rabbit ones are cute, but this one stands out to me because of all the characters, details, and story behind the piece of art--and all in one ring!

    Thanks for sharing this!

  135. I am absolutey in love with the Harvey Bear Art Ring! What a lovely giveaway, your blog is amazing.



  136. With so much talent, so many magnificent pieces it is entirely impossible to distinguish between them all as to which could be s favourite. You would be blessed to belong to anything of Schmooks.


  137. My favourity has got to be the girl riding the elephant as it sets a sought of tone of a dream world where simply anything can happen. It reminds me of the days where I loved disney and where Dumbo was my favourity disney film as I believed he could truly fly.

    Thanks for the giveaway and telling me about these rings. Even if i don't get the ring, I'm so ready to go buy one as the owl with the charms neckalace is simply too adorable not to have! :D


  138. This jewellery is so amazing and cute!! Firstly, thank you GPV for showing it to me, I'm in love :)

    The elephant on the tightrope ring has to be my absolute favourite though because it reminds me of my grandma and this story book she used to read to me every night about a girl that ran away to find her mum at the circus and then on my 7th birthday my grandma took me to the circus and i had the best time, i will always remember it. It would be lovely to have a piece of jewellery to wear everyday that reminds me of her since i don't get to see her much because she's back in Europe


  139. Name: Mary Phan
    E-mail: mary.phan@live.com
    Favourite Schmooks piece: OMG! I WANT THEM ALL! These pieces are just too adorable! I have spent the last 20minutes looking up and down at which one is more adorable. I think I will have to choose the Barney Bunny aswell though! I don't have a pink coloured ring yet especially with such a cute bunny on it. I think this will be a great unique addition to my collection of rings! It's so pretty and girly, it reminds me of spring/summer time and the sweet sweet sunshine! I'm looking at the Schmooks website at the moment...oh this could be very dangerous!

  140. Definitely the stars in jars ring, its just got this curious and whimsical vibe, can't get past the adorable sad expression on the elephants face. makes me think of a story every time, like good art does :)

    deborah sovierzoski

  141. Everything Schmooks is adorable! I am absolutely in love with this jewellery and feel so lucky to have come across it through Gary Pepper Vintage because it's impossible to find such lovely things that suit my style so perfectly!

    I think my favourite piece of jewellery by Schmooks would be the blue Pandi Bear Arts Ring, amazingly gorgeous and my favourite animal! This ring is spectacular and if I'm not so fortunate as to win it or another piece of Schmooks jewellery, I'll definitely be wanting to buy one because I would just love to adorn my hands with such a beautiful ring everyday!

    Also adore the necklaces, Schmooks is just fantastic. Another favourite is the Tea Party for Bunny Art Necklace, unfortunately it cannot be won! I'll certainly be ordering one though.

    Mia Finley

  142. All the cocktail rings are works of art but the most special by far is the secret garden ring.

    One of my favourite stories growing up was The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett. Whenever I was sad I would imagine my own secret garden just like the one the boy in the book had.

    If I owned this ring it would make me happy everytime I looked at it and remind me that everyone can have their own secret garden in their head.

    Thanks for bringing joy back into jewellery shmooks.



  143. I am so in love with the rings!As I looked through their website, I was left in awww. My favourite piece would be the Secret Garden Art Cocktail ring. Intricate and beautiful design.

    But my favourite in the collection that you are giving away wouuld be My Heart Belongs to You. I love how subtle the colours are! Perfect for any dressing!


  144. oh my eyes can't take off from the panda bear! I think she's trying to look like a hello kitty with her ribbon!! auuw~ snazzy panda..


  145. Oh wow! These are amazingly adorable!
    I love them all, but i'd have to say my fave schmooks piece would have to be the 'My heart belongs to you' ring! the one that matches the necklace featured in one of your facebook photo albums (which i follow almost religiously<3)

    Thanks, much love!
    Zoë Nankivell xo

    e-mail: zoeree94@hotmail.com


  146. This is not easy as it is when I saw your cutest little post, even harder when I went over to Schmooks FB page and saw all that incredible cuteness! Love the illustrations! If I have to pick one item, it has gotta be My Heart Belongs to You Art Ring. The color just goes perfectly with the frame, don't you think? Tea Bunny is a close second, how do I know, my knees are jelly from all that oozing adorableness!

    here's a heartty pat!

  147. Hi, my name is Jessica.
    My favourite piece would have to be the owl necklace. All the aspects of the necklace just fit together so perfectly and I was drawn to it as soon as I saw it. I feel like it percieves my personality so well and I've been looking for jewelry like it for so long with no luck. I would love the chance to be the proud owner of the owl necklace.
    - dancing__jess@hotmail.com

  148. Wow, so this is what enlightenment into the world of Schmooks feels like.. awe and lust after all the beautiful rings and necklaces.
    Oh my, the 'Stars in Jars Art Ring' is amazing!
    But then again, so is every single Schmooks piece.

  149. Hi, all the pieces are amazing! I'm so glad this was featured on your blog or I would have never found it! Thanks! My favorite would have to be the "Stars in Jars" cocktail ring. I love this because it has such a unique and dreamy look to it, absolutely charming! Although unique I love it more because it sort of reminds me of one of my favorite artists, Audrey Kawasaki; mixed with one of my favorite books "Le Petit Prince", PLUS who doesn't love over-sized cocktail rings; especially when they have a vintage feel :)
    <3 Sue

  150. Secret garden art cocktail ring is my choice. It has soft floral tones which makes it look feminie. It's beaded edge in copper colour makes it look vintage and goes well with a plain white maxi dress . The best thing is that
    the ring is adjustable so it can fit every finger size ;D

    Gladys wong

  151. My favourite Schmooks piece would have to Barney the bunny ring. I love bunnies and have 2 of my own named Pookie and Tutu. I also can not role out of bed without putting on my ithinkineedaseeingeyedog glasses. So Barney has my heart.

  152. All of these are amazing. Love the ring with the hearts and the warm-color palette. Absolutely gorgeous and there is a strong vintage appeal.


    name: Gitta

    email: g_amelia_dj@hotmail.com

  153. They are all SO lovely but I think my favourite would have to be either the panda ring or necklace! I've loved pandas all my life. My dream is to go to China one day and work in a reservation centre for them.


    Thanks for doing this giveaway! x

  154. i love the stars in jars art ring because it reminds me of magic, when i was little and used to point and the stars, wonderstruck and also that nothing is impossible <3

    Christy Lee
    Email: christy_totally_rules@hotmail.com

  155. My favourite piece is the "My Heart Belongs to You" Art Ring.
    Actually I can't identify the reasons why i like the ring. It's just a feeling, like falling in love with someone and when people ask you what do you like about that person, you just can't tell. (well, maybe it's just me who can't tell)


  156. Deary me! Schmooks jewellery is surely the sweetest thing ever. I took a peek at the facebook and have returned with a bit of a crush on the "Tea Party for Bunny Art Necklace". I'm a sucker for anything that is pink with a bow. But what makes this baby even cuter is the vintage-style faded gold rim of the pendent. Perfect to wear with your frilliest, laciest frock.



  157. I don't usually don't enter giveaways, but this one really makes me excited!
    I adore this pieces!

    Name: Tasja J.
    E-mail: tasja.j@hotmail.com

    Favourite piece: Love Nest Necklace <3 (the owl necklace)

    Why: Because this piece would really represent "me".
    It's really adorable yet very stylish from the outside, but it has a owl on the inside, which stands for intelligence and wisdom.
    I am kinda girly on the outside, with a love for adorable things. On the inside however I'm like an owl, because I really like to challenge myself intellectually. I'm actually majoring in physics :)
    But most of all.. this necklace is just perfect <3


  158. Hey!
    I honestly cannot choose a favourite piece. Each is just as amazing as the next and they are all absolutely adorable!

    Laura Brereton. :)

  159. Name: holly daniels
    Email: hollyldaniels@gmail.com
    Favorite Piece: defiantly the rabbit ring because firstly- the rabbit is adorable, secondly- i love pink, and thirdly- we have to same glasses!

    I absolutely adore Gary Pepper Vintage!

    Much love and admiration,
    Holly D xx

  160. Hi, Dear Nicole!
    My name is Ramona.
    This is amazing giveaway! Every piece is stunning and so lovable piece of art!So beautiful detailing! You can't just easily choose, but after good thinking and admiring I wish I could have Stars in Jars Art Ring.
    I love elephants. They always look so cute, kindhearted, positive and so delicate even if they look so big.
    This ring looks like beautiful dream where friends meets(elephant Raja, bunny Lo, air-balloon Hugo and little girl Coco) together and decided to look for adventure in this beautiful summer night with starlight sky when air is full of sensual butterfly orchid perfume.. ♥

    My email is : ramona.caunite@gmail.com

    xo Ra

  161. Oh what lovely pieces.
    Name: ESTHER YI
    E-mail: ESTHERRAWRR@hotmail.com

    My favorite piece would mosdef be the Barney Bunny Art Statement Ring.

    Why? I adore bunnies. And just look at that bunny, it has cute glasses and stripped socks. Rings are my favorite accessories and I have a pretty varied collection of them. But being a student with a tight budget, I can't really afford individual unique rings such as this one that will stand out from the selections the retail stores I frequent such as F21. Having this ring will allow me to show more of a feminine and docile nature to my outfits.

    I love and appreciate how you're doing these weekly give-aways, just perfect for the holidays!
    Happy one year anniversary Gary Pepper Vintage!

  162. heyyy

    OMG i love it all but if i had to choose which is my favourite piece it would have to be the 'Barney's bike art necklace'. I love the rabbit, so cute with the big glasses and i like the lil bike hanging of it. Makes the piece more interesting, i likey very much :D
    I do like the panda ring too, got to love pandas :)

    Jennifer Cheng

    P.s I love reading your blog, keep up the good work!! :)

  163. Hi, I love the necklace with the owl on it, because i love birds. I have dozens of necklaces of birds but this owl necklace is quite unique and special. It has a beautiful design to it. The dangling things on it makes it more beautiful. Having the owl out of it's cage reminds me of freedom :)

    From Milly
    Email is millyroxthisworld@gmail.com

  164. I love the Stars in Jars Art Ring as it's like capturing a dream with a real cute child like innocence. I bought the print for my niece for Christmas so she could hang it in her room and always have sweet dreams.

    Rebecca Lucas

  165. wow, i really love the rabbit ring. It reminds me of my mums patch quilt work that she made when i was a baby. But it got lost at the airport when i was about 8 years old :(. it's such a stunning piece of accessory, and how could it go wrong with anything? it's soooo cute. It's such a different design that amazes me. It doesn't have those designs on everyday ring, this is something special. This has inspired me to design something like that because i also enjoy looking and desinging jewellery for teenage- young adult girls.

    From Helen xo

  166. Name: Elvira P. delos Santos
    Email: sugarcoatedberry@yahoo.com

    I like "My Heart Belongs to You Art Ring" because of its vintage-y and romantic feel. Fab pair with either jeans or skirt/dress. *;)

  167. Oh wow they have heaps of great stuffs!!! they are all so cute but i love love love the bunny rabbit with specs ring because rabbit and pink is my favourite. Most of all it is really unique. Never seen such a beautiful yet elegant ring :)


  168. Waaah, I just found a new favourite jewelry shop! Everything is just so adorable cute <3

    It´s hard to decide which one that I like the best, but I must say that it´s the Pink Pandi Bear Art Necklace <3
    I got a friend that´s crazy in pandas, and the necklace is just to adorable! I want to give this to her as a christmas gift, it would be so fun to see her expression because her taste is the same as mine^^

    Kim Mong

  169. Can´t help but to love the ring: "Stars in jars" .

    How often doesn´t life feel like your ridin an elephant whom is balacing a thin ballerinaline. The pink ballerina-outfit says it all; tryin to ftít in while walkin the line.. Adorable with a deaper meaning.

    Leila :

  170. HEYOOOO~<3
    i know you wont get this for a while (boy was that a long scroll hahaha), but hang in there! you will be making a few of these people's year out of all these lovely people sooooon [if that made sense :)]

    Anyways (hehehe)
    my favourite is.. the gold heart pink rose necklace. I love the chique antique aesthetic beauty of it, its like :O
    also, the fact that the word on it is a simply overused commercialised term that we hear every now and then and the classic vintage (and untacky) representation makes it seem so much more real and sincere.

    but that's just my favourite, they're all pretty stunning

    .... yeahh hahaa corny :D

    but keep reading others! just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming swimming swimming, what do we do we swin swin AHH HA HA HA HA HAAA.. hahahaaa YAYY

    Love Jane K

    p.s. thank you for making people smile and be happy with your stuff!


  171. I really love the Panda necklace :) When I was younger and learning to talk I could never say 'Grandpa' I called our grandpa 'Panda' instead and it stuck. Everytime I see a Panda it reminds me of him and how special he is to me and that he would do anything for me. In the same way I think that this necklace is a very special one off type piece :)


  172. i love:
    facebook - stars in jars art ring (elephant on a high wire)
    etsy - going on a bear hunt art necklace (close 2nd)

    the blue sets the elephant in a calm fantasy place with its interesting feather costume, while it takes the little girl and her panda bunny across the high wire.
    a highly fantastic illustration.

    tee.i.n.k at gmail dot com

  173. This comment has been removed by the author.

    My name is Maria Nguyen and I've been reading your blog for quite some time now.. Before stumbling upon your blog, I was not much of a Vintage Person.. I just didnt know how to dress in vintage. But after reading your blog and browsing through your photos.. it's really inspired me! The way you wear vintage is super cute and girly which is what i love <3 The Schmooks accessories are also very cute and girly with a sprinkle of vintage :D I LOVE IT!!
    My favourite piece is the Pink Panda necklace with the heart engraved with "Can you unlock my heart" I love that piece so much because i think it is THE MOST UNIQUE necklace i have ever seen in my life! I can see it glamming up even the most simple outfits. its so soft and adorable <3 I would love to own it as a part of my jewellery collection :D
    I hope I get a chance xx
    email: emx3___@hotmail.com (thats three underscores haha!)

  175. As much as I adore them all, my favorite would have to be the Love Nest Necklace. Being a mama owl of 3 beautiful boys, it pretty much sums up my love for them in a in a cutesey, 'hootsey' way ;D. xx

    email: lolalovelypreadored@gmail.com

  176. One pink elephant,
    Lucy and Ted.
    Two very naughty children,
    Not in their bed!
    Off to catch twinkles
    Or so they said!
    There's no stopping
    Lucy and Ted.

    High in the night sky,
    Away they were led.
    All snuggly and cuddled,
    Lucy and Ted.
    Jars at the ready,
    Net baited with bread.
    Watch out little twinkles,
    For Lucy and Ted!

    This is a story behind the piece "Stars in Jars" by Schmooks.
    Of course, the design of this ring caught my eye but it was the story that made me adore it even more.

    Next year, is my last year of 'teenhood'. I'd like to think that even as I'm growing up, I'll still have the little kid in me. To be care-free, to have fun and be naughty. Snuggle and cuddle and wish upon the stars. I hope as I add years to my age, I won't forget how to have fun.

    And somehow, "Stars in Jars" remind me that we all can be Lucy and Ted, no matter how old we are. Watch out twinkles.


  177. my name is amy reynolds and my email is boo-amy@hotmail.com
    my favorite schmooks piece is defiantly barney the bunny, he's the cutest little fella and i would love to have him on my finger everyday coming on adventures :)

  178. Hello, nice to meet,i'm Jade i follow your blog for a long time, and like how many people have a great passion for all that is delicate and vintage.
    You are one of my greatest inspirations.
    Thanks for this giveaway that makes us part of this fantastic blog.


    (the most interestin piece for me is the heart with the little pink rose and the key near it..so delicate and cool)


  179. My favorite piece would be the panda necklace because pandas are my favorite animal and I collect necklaces.

    Nettie Solon

  180. They're so cute allm of them.it'was so hard to choose one but finnaly decided on Barney's Bike Art Necklace.I love necklace and this cute little bike it's simply amazing . hope i could wear this one :P
    Natalia NieciÄ…g

  181. Hi,
    My name is Sarah. I work as a photographer at net-a-porter.com in London. I just love your blog and look forward to new posts with the lovely pictures you always have. I am from New Zealand however ive been based in London for 5 Years. I would love any of the beautiful pieces by Schmooks, my favourite one was the unlock my heart piece. It would surly send some christmas light and cheer from a far sunny place than London.

  182. There all very cute,but my favorites are:
    -Secret Garden Art Ring
    -Stars in Jars Art Ring




  183. Thanks for introducing me to Schmooks, Nicole :) I forsee a long and fulfilling love affair developing! They're all absolutely wonderful but the "My Heart Belongs to You Art Ring" is my favourite. So gorgeous - cute little design, pretty colour combination, even down to the perfect vintage brassy colour on the edging!

    Anna, anna.ehmann@adelaide.edu.au

  184. Thanks for having the giveaway. Your blog is such an inspiration!! <33

    If I had to narrow it all down to 4 then I'd say that I love the Love Nest Necklace, Stars in Jars Ring, Secret Garden Art Cocktail Ring and the Art Cocktail Ring. But the Stars in Jars Ring would be my absolute favourite. The beautiful, rich, blue is so sincere and yet so bold. The little illustration just makes me feel like my life is like a dream where miracles happen endlessly

    Liv C

  185. Oh boy, I just adore this giveaway - I am a BIG fan of Schmooks.
    My favourite piece is the Secret Garden Cocktail Ring.
    It has a beautiful, feminine design and really stands out from the rest of Schmooks' collection in my opinion.
    It is completely unlike any piece of jewellery I own, but I think that is why I love it so much.
    <3 <3 <3
    Alice Eldridge
    camel-7 [at] hotmail [dot] com

  186. Oh wow, too adorable!
    My favourite piece is the Stars in Jars Art Cocktail ring!

    It's the first piece that screams out to me that I most certainly have to have it! I'm in love with everything and anything with stars:)


  187. My favourite is the Harvey Bear Ring- Why this is my favourite well:
    it's magical, whimsical and overall adorable, it's quirky, nostalgic and enchantingly beautiful.

    Nevertheless the uniqueness of this bundle of creativity encompassed in this ring alone, will definately be a piece of childhood wrapped around my finger.

    Alyssa Ventura

  188. Sheina Pal, sheinapal@gmail.com

    My favourite Schmooks is definitely the Secret Garden Art Cocktail Ring. It has a fragrant spring, feminine vibe and contrasts well with the rusty golden frame!

  189. Hala Saba, Halo_is_here@hotmail.com
    favourite piece: im in love with the elephant ring with the little girl on top. Amazing
    -Ciaoo xo

  190. my absolute favourite would have to be Stars in Jars Art Ring. Why? Not only because it's absolutely beautiful, but because it reminds me of a dream i had once. i was riding my elephant, it was however, pink and it flew because she had been through a magical forest, filled with all these pretty flowers but these flowers were pollinated with special flying dust - so my elephant, her name was tinkerbell, could fly after that.

    but, i think in the dream, it didn't last too long, and we fell out of the sky and onto a trampoline - lucky for us, it was right underneath us but because tinkerbell was huge, she put a hole in it.

    and i remember the kids who own it was not very happy with us, they started chasing us - we had to run into this forest, and we came across these bunnies, we asked them to hide us, and they did.

    the kids never found us, but we never managed to find our way out of the burrow. - i don't know how we managed to fit tinkerbell down there as she was larger than me, but we did -

    and i woke up, and i was sad because it was such a great dream.

    Esther Ling

    p.s i also love this http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=573232&id=228008410117#!/photo.php?fbid=10150339570765118&set=a.10150338787905118.573232.228008410117

    because of another dream i had... but you only asked for one, so i shall keep that dream to myself. i love bunnies and their tea parties. <3

  191. My favourite hands down... has to be the Panda Ring!! :D Who doesn't love pandas!?!

    Thanks so much! Looking for a X'mas present from Schmooks right now. :D

  192. Lorraine Grace Lopez

    My favorite Schmooks piece would be the "My Heart Belongs to You" Art Ring because I love it's color (I have a new found love for brown lately), I'm obsessed with hearts and because it has a very vintage feel to it! It would go perfectly with everything I wear...because I'll match everything to it alone!

    I really hope I'd win this. :D

  193. Dyane Canha

    I love the cocktail rings, especially the art deco Secret Garding ring. I would wear it with a sweet dusty pink sundress with a ruffled V neckline. Perfect with wooden bangles too. Thanks for the contest GPV!

  194. I would love to have the love nest necklace. Its so adorable ! <3
    Sabine Waasdorp

  195. I love all the pieces with the cute little bunny...why? cos the boy that lives in my heart is nicknamed 'bunny'...(hehe, i know its so girlie, so only i get to call him that)

    thank you
    helen zhang

  196. Such an amazing giveaway!!
    I totally love all the pieces and I think the ones with the elephants are soo cute! But I'm also fan from the owl neclace!!!



  197. this is the best giveaway of ever!!!!! all the pieces are amazing!!!! :O
    I'm a fun of schmooks on facebook! =))
    I'd love to wiiiiiiiiiiin =(((((
    my favourite item is Pink Pandi Bear Necklace, the colours are perfect and the design is unique! no words to describe it! My friends will die to see it!!
    thank you for this possibility to get it!!!!!! =)

    Cinzia De Marchi
    e-mail: smileagain@hotmail.it

  198. Ploy S. Chityothin
    e-mail: coke_spc@hotmail.com

    My favourite piece would have to be "Stars in Jars" Art Cocktail Ring ,because I'm Thai and the white elephant is the national animal of Thailand !!! :) ,,,It has played a part in Thai history and culture. Traditionally they have played important roles in both times of war and peace and the white elephants have a royal significance. According to Thai tradition, a white elephant is a noble creature of special significance. It symbolizes the honor and glory of the king. A true white elephant would be presented to the king, and to acquire one during his reign would bring prosperity and happiness throughout the kingdom.
