
On Monday morning I quickly ran out of the hotel to try and find myself a newsagency, luckily there was one of those tiny little stands just outside the door! Gary Pepper Vintage was published in this weeks issue of FAMOUS magazine! I am so excited it's finally here, If you have your hands on a copy quickly flick to page 57 where you'll find a lovely little feature about the store :)

I don't look as happy as i should in this photo for some reason (?) but trust me, i was beaming ear to ear when i saw the store in print, and doesn't Charlotte look absolutely stunning once again? A big thank you to all the girls at FAMOUS, you really have no idea how much this means to me. I know i said it before but i really am still so amazed that people take notice of the store. In my eyes, i'm just a girl selling vintage to strangers doing something she loves, and that's the part that brings me happiness every single day... the rest is just a bonus.


{Dress & Jacket: Vintage. Socks: Topshop. Boots: Vintage. Bag: Claire Inc}
{Visit FAMOUS here:}


  1. congratualations! that's such an awesome achievement :) i've only just started following your blog and store, but i'm loving what i see! x

  2. beautiful clothing... love reading your blog, as vintage is def. my first love...


  3. this is soo great! Good work nicole!
    Also where are you? (hotel?)
    i should probably read the post before instead of being lazy and asking you right? =)

    from spindizzyfall

  4. This is so exiting. You totally deserve it.

    And thanks again for giving me the link for enlarging my pictures. You gave me the motivation to actually follow through with the process. And now my pictures are looking a little bigger than before.


  5. you totally deserve all the recognition in the world. you have done amazingly well and I can see you going really far with this!! And thank you about the comment in your post. I'm thrilled to be a part of the article, although I definitely think your face would've looked better in there!!!! :) xxx

  6. your blog is beautiful :) if you have time would you look at mine?
    thankss xx
    oh and im sure plently of people have told you before, but did you know that you are actually stunning? hahaa you are actually so pretty its unfair :)

  7. thank you girls :)
    i hate that it sounds like i'm constantly bragging so i really appreciate the people that are genuinely happy for me.

    thank you!

  8. I love your photography! By the way, you're like one of the most interesting blogger I've read and guess what, I put you on my list of favourites :)

  9. thank you felicia!
    thats such a wonderful comment to receive on a sunday morning :)

  10. ok. so this is going to sound like a total stalker, but I was with my boyfriend on holiday in melbourne and my boyfriend pointed out a girlw who walked past us saying he really liked her fashion.

    then I get home and am catching up on my blog reading, and I see this post. and then I realise, "that girl" he pointed out was YOU!!!!

    weird. sorry. but this stuff freaks me out!

    well done on all the exposure! that is awesome!
    love your blog, your styling is awesome.

    renee xx
