
Yesterday i went down to Sydney to pick up my new softbox and lights- so happy they're finally here! The down fall was that i got stuck in the long Easter weekend peak hour traffic on the way home (which was horrific, just horrific), but the upside is that it's the long Easter weekend which can only mean one thing: chocolate :) I've mentioned my friend before, Katie, because she always seems to be dong such cute things that i just feel compelled to write about. This morning was no exception. Even though she left to go camping for the weekend she'd still managed to leave a trail of easter eggs from our rooms to the kitchen table where she'd left luke, alex and myself a card letting us know she'd hidden easter eggs all over the house. Seeing as it's Friday, nobody was expecting to see chocolate so soon (especially from Katie as she doesn't even live with us) and excitedly ran around trying to find all the places they were hidden.

I really love the feeling of unexpected surprises. The ones that make your heart flutter and your pulse race, the ones that make you say 'awww' out loud and make you grateful for the kind natured, giving people around you, and especially the ones that make you feel like you're 12 again and remind you that you no matter the number, you're never going to change.

So Happy Easter everyone, i hope you all feel young and inspired and have a wonderful weekend!

{Wearing extremely attractive pjamas from god knows where.}


  1. Super cute post! A couple years ago my roommates mom came to stay with us for a week and it happened to be during Easter. She hid a ton of chocolate eggs and then we ran around like children beating each other up for the chocolate. We also found chocolate eggs days later. Obviously it was the best.


  2. Your story reminds me of my mom and Easter...she hides coco easter eggs around the house every year for the kids. One year my nephew found some eggs which was left from a few years ago that was not found. He ate them and got really sick. Happy Easter.

  3. I just came across your blog, and I really love it! You are really beautiful and have such a unique style! I am following!

  4. oh it really was a wonderful morning, i hope you all are having a cute eater!


  5. hi,really love your photos, and may i ask you where can i find this place,(, thank you so much.


  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. IM D- this was shot just 10 minutes out of hobart on the way up the coast, if you follow the main road you'll be able to see fields of them :)

    they are amazing.

  8. Oh if only I'd have heard of your ebay store much earlier! I'd have loved to participate in this! Great blog by the way!

  9. fresh blog. i didn't want to stop reading! cheers.

  10. I love your blog, your style and clothes!!!! So happy I stumble upon it
    new follower; stop by some time:
